Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16 Trade Re-Cap


We only traded one issue today OGXI. The stock traded in defined channel for most of the session and we were fortunate enough to round trip and play both sides for repetitive small gains.

Click to Enlarge
On 3/16/2012 we had a maximum capital exposure of $34,950.00, we grossed $14,400.00 or 41% internally for our portfolio. As you may recall, on 3/14/2012, we announced a new segregated portfolio account with $100,000.00 in capital and added a new tracking method. We are not only tracking Return on Capital Exposed but also Return on Assets Under Management for this specific portfolio. In the past two trading sessions we have had a combined Return on Capital Exposed of 52% and return on Assets Under Management of 27%.

Click to Enlarge

Pantheon Traders incorporates a short-term trading strategy we coined the “Controlled Bounce”. This strategy is implemented by executing trades in stocks that have seen a market anomaly in their share price. We have found that historically a 25-30% next day reversal is more often than not the norm on a stock that has been the recipient of either a positive or negative percentage change of more than 11% intra-day. In order for this reversal to be confirmed to trade, the individual issue’s volume must exceed 2(x) average trading volume prior to the market close with a stochastic crossover above 20.00. For this trade, we implemented a leverage ratio of 4:1.